Thursday, May 28, 2009

CRAZY summer approaching...

I started school this month, and it's kickin' my butt! I have 4 more sessions (each sess. 8wks) to finish up my Bachelor's. It only took me 17yrs to complete...ha! I'll start the Master's program next May, which will REALLY kick my butt!!

Jorden starts high school in August and has cheer practice all summer. She just got back from her 1st girl's camp (Tempe ward) and has cheer camp early July, then 2nd girl's camp (Maricopa ward) late July. Busy, busy bee!! Oh yah, she also turns 14 this summer. Holy cow!! It seems like just yesterday when I was pregnant with her (in the dead heat of the summer, I might add :) I just can't believe it!

Bella starts swim lessons June 1st, twice a week. If lessons are successful, she'll start beginner's tumbling in July.

Boys will do swim as well, but just on Saturday mornings, for four weeks. They will probably need a second round in July, but we'll play it by ear. Bitty T-ball starts for them in Sept, when they turn two. Mike and I are super excited!

Mike took Floyd to vet this morning, his annual allergies have lasted about a month longer than normal, so we figured we better take him in before he has NO skin left on his stomach! poor guy! :( So $117 later, he got a steroid shot, 2wks worth of meds and a special medicated shampoo, to use 2-3 times a week, til rash subsides. As IF I have time to add that to my plate!! Oh yah, Jorden is home for the summer...score!! J/K, Jordie!

My sister found out she's having another girl...yippee!! So my days are consumed with picking out names for her (or so I think). My older bro leaves this weekend, he's moving to Kansas. We had a going away party last weekend for him and my nephew...bittersweet. While one person leaves me, another arrives. Celeste moves back 'tentatively' late June. I am so stoked and am in "homecoming party planning" mode. I can't help it, Jordie didn't let me have a big shindig for her 8th grade graduation, so I had to settle on a small dinner party. So I'll get my fix with the homecoming party, and then start planning the boys' 2nd bday and Bella's 4th, triple holy cow!!

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