Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Family Home Evening....

or the Spiro version of it anyway, took place Monday night. Jordie taught a sweet little lesson and afterward we asked Bella if Jesus loves her and she responds "yes he does." So we ask her if she loves Jesus, again responds with a "yes." We then ask her where Jesus is and she says he is in her heart, so I say "where else is he?" and she looks up. I ask if he is up in heaven and she says "no, he is way up high on top of the castle." Ummm, close enough!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Typical Sunday afternoon

My cousin and I decided to do lunch and pedis yesterday. While I'm sitting in the nail salon chair I receive a text from Mike that says:

Bella just pooped in her pants and I asked her why she didn't tell me she had to go potty and she said "Daddy I didn't mean to, the poop just fell right out of my butt!"

A day in the life....