Monday, December 21, 2009

Another year gone by...

While creating this year's Xmas card, Mike asks if I am doing another "update" letter (you know the annoying one I'm talking about) and to my surprise he was disappointed that I didn't write one this year. I told him to feel free to sit down and write one himself, as I was too busy with finals and research papers for the semester, to be bothered with this. He expectantly declined. Who ever said traditions have to be every year? I can start an "every-other-year update letter" tradition if I so please! He poked fun and went on his merry way. So be on the lookout next year! :)

The thing I didn't realize is that I will have to work twice as hard on the letter because I now have TWO years worth of info. to include. Not a good idea, right? I mean, I won't have to worry so much about updated sizes and all, as my kids are midgets and don't grow! However, I will have to update everyone on the cute, yet bratty things they've accomplished in not only one year, but two. I could just blog and Facebook a lot more on the 'off' years. This will allow me to leave more stuff out in the 'on' year's letter. Yah, that's what I'll do! (sounds more convincing when I write out my intentions)

This time next year I'll be sitting here wondering why I started this ridiculous tradition. Oh well, as parents we are supposed to do ridiculous things!