Monday, March 23, 2009

the thanks we get....

we struggle with morning sickness, sleepless nights, labor pains, work for what they need, feed them, change them, teach them, support them, comfort them, help them any way we can...for what? so they can throw it all in your face when they turn 13!!!!

somebody shoot me now!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

more of the same old stuff!

kids are running around like mad men right now and i'm catching up on some emails (and just a bit of blogging ;) i'm babysitting my niece again today, long day ahead! jordie is at her dad's for break. my house is clean, laundry is done, dare it say it...i'm a little BORED! i'm gonna regret that, aren't i? i may give mike a call and see if he's got any tedious work for me to do, or maybe i'll catch up on some reading. eh, we'll see how the day goes. as it is right now, i can hear fighting in the other room. most likely it's cooper and bella. gotta go!! :)