**Warning: Contains man bashing content**
Complaint #1: Why does it take men three times as long to do something than it does women? I can feed my children three meals plus snacks in-between (including preparing dinner), keep the house clean, fold laundry, and get myself ready for school...all in ONE DAY! I leave for school (3 1/2 hrs) and when I get home, the entire day's efforts have been trashed! Can he not learn to multi-task while watching "In The Wild"?
Complaint #2: This may be backwards in my family, but why is it every time my husband goes to the grocery store he comes back with useless junk for the kids? (i.e. water paint, bubbles, mylar balloons). The other day he came home with a Justin Bieber poster for Jorden, as if her wall isn't covered enough in posters! Last night he brings home water paint and bubbles! Really? Isn't Easter right around the corner? And guess who has to listen to the fighting all day over this useless junk? Better yet, who has to clean up the messes that this useless junk makes? Yep, THE WOMEN!
Complaint #3: What are "honey to do" lists really for anyway? I've been staring at the same list for over a year. One thing at a time gets done...at a snail's pace. If I had a weekend to myself, I could knock it all out (with the help of a few experienced people). But seriously, why must it take so long to do something? I guess women's brains are just wired to handle more than one thing at a time. Or is this just an excuse men use? After all, they are able to chew gum while throwing a baseball, right? Don't they drive AND listen to Sports Talk radio? They are able to pee and fart at the same time, right? Need I say more?
Complaint #4: Why do men get to be the "good guys" and women always look like the "bad guys" because we want a certain order to things? Again, maybe this is a little backwards in my house. Women need to have things planned, organized, and clean! So I always find myself yelling at the kids to keep things 'in order' and he just lets them do whatever they want because HE doesn't have to clean up the messes...and yet again, daddy = good guy. There you have it!
On a positive note, I will say that my husband does NOT leave the toilet seat up. He also does NOT leave his clothes on the floor, he actually puts them in the hamper and his shoes in the closet. He DOES work 60hrs a week to provide for his family and I am grateful, despite what this blog may sound like! ;) But don't the stay-at-home moms also work? This is the age old question! Even those moms who are employed, don't they really have two jobs? So if I am a stay-at-home mom who is also a full-time student, doesn't that also count as two jobs? Just sayin'...